Lost Change
Hosted by Thomas Skates LIVE every Sunday at 6:00pm
When was the last time you paid with change? If I had to guess probably at the laundromat…. Maybe to play a game of pool but that's about it. Yet, you probably have dimes, quarters, and pennies tucked away in every crevice of your home. Maybe you have a jar or a sock filled to the brim with loose change. What if I told you forgotten songs and lost change are pretty similar? Overtime they pile up, go unused, get forgotten, and cast aside. Yet, no matter how dusty or old they may be, they are still valuable, maybe a little less than the day you first added them to the piggy bank, but still worth holding onto. Here at Lost Change, we dig between the couch cushions of your music library in search of lost and forgotten gems. Join us each Sunday at 6:00pm as we tell the stories of these forgotten songs, artists, and albums; exploring the origins, falloffs, resurgences, and impacts; asking what they might tell us about the past, if anything at all.
About Thomas Skates

Thomas Skates is the worst person to talk to at a party. He is a music fanatic with a passion for history and a brain like a rolodex. If a song comes on that he doesn’t know, he will Shazam it in the middle of a conversation. Worse, if a song comes on that he does know, he will give you a history lesson about the artist, how the song came to be, or the impact of the song on the culture overall. If the song contains a sample, you should plan an escape. That being said, this makes Thomas an incredible radio host. He is a natural storyteller with more vinyls and albums saved to his Apple Music account than instagram followers. He has a true passion for music appreciation and is constantly discovering new jams to share with the masses. Tune into his show Lost Change for the story behind the songs you love and leave with new favorites every week! — Written by his very lovely and talented and smart girlfriend <3