The Night Gallery
Hosted by Tripmaker & DJ Dr. Jolly West, MD every Monday at 12:00am
I don't know whether you are now a dealer in loud noises or not, but, if you are still in the publishing or editorial calamity, I have produced some vibrations that you might like to turn loose.
-Charles Fort, 1915
About Tripmaker & DJ Dr. Jolly West, MD

Dj Dr. Jolly West, MD had an illustrious career in psychiatric medicine and hopes to continue that work through The Night Gallery. Tripmaker is a cosmic cowboy drifter with the soul of an angel. Producer Tusko is a bull elephant originally from Oklahoma CIty. He's been a ghost since 1962 and is currently the only elephant ghost music producer in the galaxy.
TNG is headquartered in Satan's Kingdom, Massachusetts. (It's a real place. Google it!) Call us 24/7 at (413) 239-7891 or send us an email at thenightgalleryrfb@gmail.com.